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Make Money With Twitter

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oprah Getting on Twitter Reveals Stunning Secret to DOUBLING YOUR BUSINESS During the Recession —In As Little as 3 Weeks!


I firmly believe that it IS the most powerful marketing vehicle on Earth...
That’s right. Believe me, it goes way beyond all the hype you’ve encountered thus far.
You may have heard the immense media buzz. You may have heard of its phenomenal 800% tipping-point growth for the year.  
You may hear social media evangelists proclaming it the future of marketing.

 Can I REALLY make money through Twitter?

Good News... Twitter can be an awesome marketing tool. In fact, it can be the most powerful weapon in your entire money-making--if you know how to wield it.

I Urge You--Let
Your Financial Destiny--JOIN NOW

1. TwtAd

The twtAd referral program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money with your Twitter account! Refer friends and receive 20% of their earnings for life!  Just send them the link below, post it on your Twitter, post it on your website, or any other way without spamming

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2. Twittad 

Affiliates earn 25% of Twittad Transaction Fees on each successful sale of a referred user over the lifetime of the Twittad user. Once Affilate account hits $30, Affiliate can request Payment. Please click the banner to join.

3. Magpie

Spread the word and help promote Magpie. For any new Advertiser who signs up through your personal referral link, you will earn a 30% commission of our transaction fees. Not just once, but for the whole first year this Advertiser buys campaigns on Magpie! Sign Up free click the banner.

Chirp, chirp!

4. TwitShirt

For every Twitshirt sold with one of your tweets on it, you earn one dollar ($1.00USD). Royalties accrue in your account until the $20.00USD threshold is reached; at that point, we'll issue a payment to you. After that time, payments are made 45 days after the month they were accrued.

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5. RevTwt

The RevTwt referral program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money with your Twitter account! Refer friends and receive 20% of their earnings for life! Just send them the link below, post it on your Twitter, post it on your website, or any other way without spamming (as this is against our Terms & Conditions).

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